

  1. Use Your Brain. Wear a Helmet!!! The number one injury here at the Clarenville Events Centre is skaters falling and hitting their heads. Without a helmet, your risk of head injury increased 10 times. Is it worth it? ALL USERS – ADULTS & YOUTH – will be required to wear a helmet whenever they enter the ice surface. This applies to all public skating sessions, private rentals, school groups, camps, etc. The only exceptions are for sport organizations that are governed by their own rules and insurances – such as Figure Skating Clubs. The policy is put in place for your safety, as well as the safety of other patrons and our staff. It also helps demonstrate the importance of safety to our youth. Any questions or comments, please contact Brandon or Denise at the main office, or email breardon@clarenville.ca.

  2. No Alcoholic Beverages are permitted in designated dry areas of the stadium.

  3. If using Noise Makers, respect the rights of others and point the device in the air away from others.

  4. The Town of Clarenville prohibits the use of compressed air horns including battery operated or mechanical horn devices within the building. Please respect this policy.

  5. Foul or homophobic comments are absolutely NOT permitted.

  6. Do not block stair wells. During hockey games, wait for stoppage in play to go to or from your seat.

  7. Vehicles parked in “Handicap” or “No Parking” areas – including along Blackmore Avenue – will be ticketed or towed.

  8. Clarenville Events Centre is a smoke-free Property. Please step away from the entrances and building if you wish to smoke.

  9. Absolutely NO food or beverages are permitted along the rails. Please respect the safety of other patrons and stay away from the rails with your food and beverages.

  10. Due to allergies, hygienic, and animal phobias; Pets are not allowed in the Events Centre.

  11. Food and beverages are not permitted in the Theatre.

  12. Although cell phones are permitted during most special events in the theatre, please respect the performers and other patrons, turn off the volume and refrain from using your cell phone during the show.

  13. Patrons must where skates when on the ice. No outdoor footwear.

  14. Hockey sticks and pucks are not allowed during public skating sessions.

  15. Skaters are not to carry children or secondary items such as cameras, handbags etc… while skating.

  16. For Skater’s protection – wearing headphones is not permitted during skating.

  17. Throwing snowballs or other objects during public skating is strictly prohibited.

  18. No eating or drinking on the ice surface.

  19. Skating patrons must not sit on, lean over or leave objects on the glass or boards.

We are here to help! Please Respect our Staff!